Message from new Sekundi boardmember partner in France SSP
Georges VONFELT, le Président-fondateur de GEVO RECOUVREMENT DE CREANCES, Eddy Combier le CEO de Score & Secure Payment et moi-même sommes très heureux de vous annoncer l’aboutissement de notre rapprochement. Grâce à l’intégration de Gevo Recouvrement au sein de notre organisation, Kreancia va pouvoir intégrer, dès le 1er février, le board de Sekundi international debt […]
New member for Sekundi : Countries – Slovakia and Bahrein
13 nov, monthly virtual meeting. Proud of our new members from Slovakia and Bahrein and the visit of Matias Araya en Sebastian Osman, Araya & Cia, laywers in Chili en Peru.
New member for Sekundi : Slovakia and Czech Republic
Sekundi welcomes the new partner for debt collection in Slovakia and Czech Republic: Herman s.r.o. in Slovakia, Sekundi believes in a direct approach of the debtor in his own language by the Sekundi partner in his country. The membership of Herman s.r.o. brings this goal a lot closer. Hans Kuik.
Corona Virus – Holland
In Holland starting today at 20.00 h an almost total lockdown will be effective. Bars and restauarants will be closed. Professional soccer with empty stadions. Amateur sports competetions cancelled. At home you are ony allowed three persons vistiting per day. Work as much as possible at home. Shops (exception food) close at 20.00 h. after […]
New site idcas
Check out my new site; ready to receive your files.
Hans Kuik.
Corona Virus – Kingdom of Bahrein
Kingdom of Bahrein Dear Valued Client, We hope this email finds you well and in good health. Considering the global outbreak of Covid-19 and local measures applied by several countries, operations worldwide have been affected to some extent which is beyond control. However, we at NCS MENA have taken the necessary steps to activate our […]
Corona Virus – Italy
Italy Dear Partner, During this difficult moment, Innolva is more than ever next to the whole business system. The emergency we are experiencing is undoubtedly complex and our company tries to guarantee deep and complete closeness to its customers. Unfortunately, the prolongation of the situation will cause inevitable impacts on the business and require the maximum […]
Corona Virus – Turkey
Turkey Hello dear friends and colleagues, Thank you for sharing the developments and the latest situation both at your company and country. It is indeed helpful to clear some questions in mind, and especially for all of us, who are operating ‘internationally’. Similarly, in Turkey most people are confined at home and working remotely in […]
Corona Virus – News From UK
UK March 17 Morning Everyone, As of yesterday the whole of the United Kingdom has to work from homewhere possible. My Wife and I who run Debt Collect UK Limited are currently inself isolation following the Prime Minister, Boris Johnston’s instructionsyesterday. Our son attends a college not far from our house and they have had […]
Corona Virus – France
Panic in France after asking evryone to stay home the french governement face a major panic because more or less every company has closed his doors asking the state to pay the wages of the employees; now the new message is go back to work and take all the measures to stay safe despite we […]