How it works?


First contact

Send your claims, we will study your problem and your needs.

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Send your claims

Tell us in which country you have an outstanding payment, send us your invoice, and let us take care of everything!

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Get informed

We keep you informed via Intranet 24/7 on any developments in your accounts and provide reports on the progress of debt collections in the language of your choice.

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Recovery costs

Pay on success. A uniform pricing policy throughout Europe : 15% of the amount.

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First contact : definition of your needs

The language barrier, geographical distance and myriad divergent legal systems complicate the international collection of debts generated by foreign commercial transactions.

We can keep track of each one of your accounts beyond the border. Our local business partners are conversant with the legal systems and particularities of each country. We grasped the necessity of establishing new strategies a long time ago, in view of an increasingly international market, extending worldwide.

During our first meeting, we study your problems and define your objectives for the time to recovery.


Send your claims

Choose the country of your debt, send your invoice, and let us do all the work! The first time, you can have the files uploaded via the contact page.
We can assure you the collection of your debt in more than thirty countries in 6 continents :

Take a look at the list of our Partners to find the countries in which we can successfully look after your business interests.


Get informed : monitoring the recovery of your debts

We keep you informed via Intranet 24/7 on any developments in your accounts and provide reports on the progress of debt collections in the language of your choice.

To provide the very best products and services offered by Sekundi’s partners, we put a powerful interface at your disposal (Intranet) to ensure faultless data processing.

Our quality standards, in tandem with the competence of Sekundi and its local business partners, provide the best guarantee to secure payment for your foreign sales and services.


Be paid : uniform pricing for all countries

A uniform pricing policy throughout Europe is not so common. And your time is freed up to use elsewhere.


  • You only pay when we have success in collecting your debt.
  • In the amicable phase you do not pay any upfront or base-fee.
  • You only pay when you and we are successful in what we do.
  • You in your skill and we in ours: collecting the pay you worked for.

You have outstanding debts in another country and having problems getting them paid?


Connected countries