A capacidade analítica – Modelo de cobranças
MESSAGE FROM OUR PARTNER IN PORTUGAL (portuguese and english) As instituições financeiras e algumas empresas estão a começar a sentir uma necessidade de tornar os processos e operações de cobrança mais eficientes e eficazes, tornando – seclaramente uma prioridade. Anecessidade de modernizar as operações de cobrança permite aos credores uma oportunidade para desenvolver novas tecnologias […]
Written by: Sebastián Osman From: Araya & Co. Attorneys. Legal Safeguards for Fruit Exporters in the Face of the Pandemic From the point of view of fruit exporters, COVID-19 has created several internal logistics problems: fields working at half-speed, decrease in the available workforce, implementation of complicated sanitary protocols, setbacks within the supply chain, the […]
In the past 2 years it has been noted that especially the small and medium-sized enterprises have neglected their claims management framework, although they have been significantly affected by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and being financially sound is crucial for their smooth operation. Taking into account that if a creditor takes too long […]
Number of bankruptcies increased, possibly due to the end of wage support
Message from Holland Het aantal faillissementen is in de maand november flink gestegen. Het Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) meldt maandag dat vorige maand 166 faillissementen zijn uitgesproken, het grootste aantal per maand dit jaar.Het aantal faillissementen is nog wel een stuk kleiner dan voor de coronacrisis. De coronasteun van de overheid houdt bedrijven […]
Message from new Sekundi boardmember partner in France SSP
Georges VONFELT, le Président-fondateur de GEVO RECOUVREMENT DE CREANCES, Eddy Combier le CEO de Score & Secure Payment et moi-même sommes très heureux de vous annoncer l’aboutissement de notre rapprochement. Grâce à l’intégration de Gevo Recouvrement au sein de notre organisation, Kreancia va pouvoir intégrer, dès le 1er février, le board de Sekundi international debt […]
Good news from Holland
The Dutch economy has recovered from the blow of the corona pandemic. In the third quarter, the economy grew 1.9 percent compared to the three months before, surpassing the pre-corona crisis level for the first time. This is evident from figures from the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) on Tuesday. The question is whether the […]
Message from Holland – Corona pandemic damage
The corona pandemic has caused less economic damage in the Netherlands than in many other European countries. This was partly due to the relatively loose lockdowns and because the tourism sector in our country is small. That is what ING said on Thursday. The bank looked at the consequences of the corona crisis on the […]
Late payment strategy
Message from France What could be more annoying than a late payment? The work was done on time, the service rendered was of excellent quality, the goods delivered on time and in accordance with the order, and the customer does not meet his obligations. He confronts you with a new delay in payment. The larger […]
News from UK: The Corporate Insolvency & Governance Act 2020
The Corporate Insolvency & Governance Act 2020 was announced on 23rd April 2020, and introduced by the UK Government on the 25th June 2020, having received Royal Assent. The Act was introduced for a number of reasons, companies could get longer periods of time granted by Companies House to file their Accounts, Confirmation Statements & Postpone AGM’s […]
News about situation in Holland
Febr 17 news site NU.NL in Holland : “Experts expect a peak in the number of bankruptcies of Dutch companies in the fourth quarter of 2021. Until now, such a wave has failed to materialize, partly thanks to government support measures. This is stated in the Special Management Barometer of accountants firm PwC and Leiden University, […]