Debt collection in the Netherlands

Do you have a debt in the Netherlands? Are you looking for a local partner to help you pay your bill? Discover debt collection in the Netherlands with Sekundi's network.

What are the proper legal procedures for collecting unpaid debts in the Netherlands?

The collection procedure can be divided into the amicable or extrajudicial phase and the judicial phase.

In the amicable phase, we try to obtain payment without judicial intervention. A clear distinction has been made by the legislature between B2C and B2B debt collection:

B2C: We are obliged to inform the consumer-debtor of the amount of extrajudicial collection costs (the amount of which is determined by law).

Such charges must be notified by Idcas to the consumer-debtor with a minimum payment period without such charges of 14 days.

 B2B: Wij hebben een dergelijke verplichting niet met een zakelijke debiteur. Buitengerechtelijke incassokosten kunnen via Algemene Voorwaarden overeengekomen worden. Zonder die voorwaarden bedragen de buitengerechtelijke incassokosten 15%.

The judicial phase always goes through the court. For claims greater than €25,000.00, the assistance of a lawyer is mandatory. Thanks to cooperation with several law firms, Idcas is able to assist its clients in all legal collection procedures.

How do you set up an efficient collection strategy?

To make debt collection efficient, we use state-of-the-art debt collection software. This, combined with years of experience in (extra-)judicial debt collection, ensures that Idcas can optimally represent your interests and a high success rate is achieved.

You have outstanding debts in another country and having problems getting them paid?


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