Debt collection in France

You have an unpaid bill in France? Discover our debt collection for international companies.

Recover your international receivables!

International debt collection in cooperation with the Sekundi network.

International debt collection is a service we offer when the person who owes you money resides or is headquartered in a country other than yours.

Implementing an effective debt collection strategy in France

The collection must first be preceded by an analysis of the typology of the files and debtors in order to define a suitable scenario and the best actions to be taken.

Associated with the automation of collection actions, we adapt the discourse to be used with your debtor customers throughout the amicable procedure: negotiation, payment instalments are privileged solutions of amicable collection.

Successful debt collection with a debtor in France

The main criterion is to have a complete file in order to ensure recovery:

  • Purchase order signed by the debtor or order by email
  • Delivery note signed by the debtor
  • Invoices

Prefer a written relationship rather than a telephone one (emails to ensure the traceability of the existence of the debt), but also that all parties understand each other well. The tools available today allow you to easily translate a text from one language to another, but this is not the case for telephone conversations.

Current statistics on debt collection in France

The collection rate depends on the freshness of the claim. If they are transmitted within less than 90 days, the collection rate will be around 40% for civil claims and 65% for commercial claims.

What are the risks associated with unpaid bills?

The risks associated with collection are the probabilities of default that increase over time. To mitigate these risks of collective proceedings, companies must be more reactive and call upon dunning and collection professionals within a maximum of 60 days after the due date.

Time is the enemy of recovery!

Our customers, our best ambassadors

They trusted us
for the collection of their invoices in France

Frequently asked questions about debt collection in France

How can I automate debt collection processes to make them more efficient?

We invite our customers to send us files that we integrate after a data mapping, we match your file exports. To make the scenario more effective, it is imperative to alternate telephone calls, emails, letters and SMS.

You have outstanding debts in another country and having problems getting them paid?


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